Women Living Well After 50 with Sue Loncaric
Women Living Well After 50 Podcast
Learning the Language of your Body

Learning the Language of your Body

In this episode, my guest is Meredith Walters certified Integral coach and author of This Animal Body.  During the interview we discussed:

  • Why we should stop trying to solve our problems in our 'heard' and learn the language of our 'body'.

  • How to learn the language of your body

  • Ways to observe what the body is telling us

  • How to rediscover your purpose and passion

Connect with Meredith
Meredith Walters - Meredith Walters
Book - This Animal Body https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/181355689-this-animal-body

Sue Loncaric
Women Living Well After 50
Email: sue@womenlivingwellafter50.com.au

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Women Living Well After 50 with Sue Loncaric
Women Living Well After 50 Podcast
A Podcast for Women Over 50 who want to live well and enjoy life after 50. My guests share their stories around topics of Health, wellness, travel, fashion & beauty, inspiration and motivation.